Tá fáilte romhat!
Thank you for visiting our website. In Gaelscoil Cholmcille we are passionate about what we do. The happiness and development of each student in our school is to the fore in all we do. Our students benefit not just from immersion education but an energetic and positive learning environment too. Thanks are due in no small part to the staff, parents and community without whom we would not be the vibrant school community we are today. Our school is open to all children and our campaign to grow to a 16 classroom school is afoot. Onwards and upwards!
– Neasa Ní Aoláin, Príomhoide
We will be accepting application forms for Junior Infants 2025 between the 10th and 24th of October 2024 only. Late applications will be considered in line with our admissions policy after these dates. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any application forms prior to these dates. Please see admissions notice here and admission policy here.
We also accept applications to other classes in line with our admissions policy on an individual basis.
New School Campaign
Now in our 29th year, Gaelscoil Cholmcille has yet to be provided with a permanent school building. Our demand is simple – a 16 classroom permanent school with special classes to cater for the needs of our students and local community. We hope to receive positive news from the Department of Education in relation to progress on this matter.