
  1. Admissions Policy 2025  (ii) Admissions Notice 2025 (iii) Application Form Naíonáin Bheaga 2025 (iv) Application Form Special Class
  2. Polasaí maidir le saoire ón obair 24.25
  3. Anti Bullying Policy
  4. Anti-Cyberbullying Policy
  5. Child Protection Policy (Child Safeguarding Statement)
  6. Privacy statement (Data Protection)
  7. Social Media Policy (School Twitter Account)


Additional supports for parents are available below. Click on the title to access the document.

1. Why choose this school? Including the benefits of immersion education

2. Your child in Primary School: INTO resource with info. on the first day, school attendance, healthy food, homework, dealing with bullying etc.

3. Children with Special Needs: Info. from NCSE on supports and assessments for students in primary schools who have special needs.

4. Children’s learning in Primary School: NCCA booklet detailing the school curriculum and what students will learn in school.

5. Tips on Irish: Our helpful suggestions on learning Irish and using it while going about your day-to-day business.

6. How to solve an issue in school: Our handbook with guidance on how to solve an issue in school.

7. Revised Parental Complaints Procedure 2024

8. Department of Education Guidelines on Complaints

8. How to make a complaint about a registered teacher: A handbook from the Teaching Council on how to make a complaint to the Council.